Announce node-red-contrib-ui-svg : feedback request

hmmmm, so where to start?

I know - I'll start with - I really don't mean to step on anyone's toes or upset anyone - I only wish to help :angel:

I understand @bakman2 request for "event": "clicked" but to force this into payload? Surely payload is what the user wants to send?

I know we could force the output to "payload": { "elementId": "myCircle", "event": "clicked" } but what would be the point of using a typedInput? The typedInput provides the kind of flexibility that makes node-red super convenient.

I find permitting the user to specify his own payload (be that a timestamp, bool, JSON etc) greatly reduces the need for extra change nodes afterwards.

Could we please compromise? :pray:

Someone once told me when they wish to include extra information in a msg (but not necessarily want it in the payload), to avoid collisions and to provide consistency, they add an object to the msg like msg.nodename.props & include whatever they need to. I took that on board & find it very useful.

e.g. imagine this msg structure...

 ui_sgv: {
  event: "click",
  elementId: "myCircle",
  coordinates: { x: 27, y: 33 }
 topic : "camera/1/ptz"
 payload : { pan: 90, tilt: 120, zoom: 3 }
  • msg.ui_sgv is auto generated & includes whatever extra useful info we wish (and is extensible)
  • msg.topic and msg.payload are whatever the user desired (as entered in the form).

I much prefer this means of topic/payload and it is in line with many of the better nodes including (to name a few) inject, trigger, dashboard ui_button...

I have already added (on my local copy of your code) the typed input & it works great. So to round this off & hopefully I have sold it to you, this is a demo of it...

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