Announce node-red-contrib-ui-svg : feedback request

There are number of options to reuse a single group of N svg elements all over the place:

  • The new SVG symbols with own coordinate system (i.e. own viewport)
  • The old SVG definitions
  • ...

But since I want to keep it simple, I think the SVG definitions are the way to go. Otherwise I'm afraid that user will become crazy of all the viewports ...

A simple example of something I was thinking about:

      <g id="sprinkler_widget">
         <!-- Here will be all the N svg elements (incl. 'animate' elements) that can represent and animate a sprinkler -->
    <!-- Let' put the first sprinkler on my floorplan -->
   <use x = "100" y = "100" xlink:href = "#sprinkler_widget"/>

    <!-- And let's put another sprinkler on my floorplan at another location -->
   <use x = "200" y = "150" xlink:href = "#sprinkler_widget"/>

So this way you have 1 sprinkler definition, whick I can (re)use N times at different locations in my SVG drawing. Although I'm not sure whether I can animate them separately: will need to test that if I have time ...

But where does a user needs to find the sprinkler_widget definition?

  • He can search on my Github page for examples and paste them manually in his SVG editor
  • I could add a number of widgets in my node (which people have shared with me), and I insert the definitions automatically when I see that the are 'use'd somewhere ... But what if a user uses an external tool to edit his SVG? Then he doesn't have the definitions, so he cannot create no 'use' elements for them ...

[EDIT 11:54] Perhaps can do it like this:

  1. Users contribute their widget to my node (via pull-request for example)
  2. When you edit the SVG string manually, you can just use it. I will add the definition automatically when I see it is being used. Then only the used definitions are being send to the dashboard afterwards, to reduce connection bandwith...
  3. When you want to edit the SVG string via an editor: I have another Github issue to integrate the SVG-edit editor with this node. In that case I could:
    • automatically include ALL definitions in the SVG string (when I send the string to the editor).
    • so you can use the definitions now in the SVG-edit editor.
    • when you return back to Node-RED, I remove those definitions again from the SVG string (since the definitions that are used will be included automatically afterwards : see point '2')