[Artless Gauge Features] I need second (and third...) opinion


  • Fixed many runtime configuration issues

  • Added runtime configuration support for decimals and center value

That's fixed the issues, thanks.
It's unfortunate that it also refreshes the animation when using runtime, but probably can't be suppressed.


It does. I tried to avoid it, but it is not that easy. Regular gauge also does complete re-init. I know it is not nice but haven't yet found bulletproof solution to survive.

For your case - as the value does not go over the threshold in every input, you can store some info about latest range in context and if new incoming value is in same range, no need to send options.
But you definitely need to send options when you change dashboard tabs (cos runtime changes are not permanent.)
So the logic is kind of complicated to achieve dynamics. But doable :slight_smile:

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Thats better, now it only re-init's when the units change.


Edit, just noticed that the icon is missing (probably an error in my code).

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Have you configured icon at configuration page? (it needs default)

I have published next version with smooth runtime configuration updates supported. (Tab change still is with full re-init)
If you see anomalies with it, I'd like to hear about it asap.

Ah OK.

The smooth runtime looks much better :+1:


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