Button send msg not working


button: {
            onclick: function() {
                    url: "inject/" + this.id,
                    method: "POST",
                    data: JSON.stringify({
                        msg: {
                            operation: ""
                    contentType: "application/json",
                    success: function(resp) {
                        RED.notify("ok", "success");

        node.on('input', async function(msg) {
            const operation = msg.operation || '';
            const params = msg.params || {};
            node.log(`Received operation: ${operation}`);
            node.log(`Parameters: ${JSON.stringify(params)}`);
            node.log(`msg: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);


30 Dec 18:52:59 - [info] [k8s-docker-ops:4e2ca4f113aeebd7] Received operation: 
30 Dec 18:52:59 - [info] [k8s-docker-ops:4e2ca4f113aeebd7] Parameters: {}
30 Dec 18:52:59 - [info] [k8s-docker-ops:4e2ca4f113aeebd7] msg: {"_msgid":"e42659bd820a79de"}

Welcome to the forums @sunnoy

Sorry, but I don't recommend you hi-jack core node internals.

The endpoint inject/{id} is only for the inject node - so if the fundamentals change with it -your node will break.

Instead, create your own endpoint, and handle it internally in your own node

Marcus will develop the answer for you, here is the missing code:

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Use the above as an example (inject node internals)....

BUT for the love of god - dont use /inject - use something unique to your node.
anyone installing your Node will be very unhappy, if you break core nodes

The reason you are not getting data - is that you are trying to hijack the inject node - and it some has checks in place (I believe)

Develop your own, and you should get further

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tks i have done this

But how do I find the relevant API references, for example RED.httpAdmin.post in the documentation Node-RED not in detail

Perhaps you are going off-piste somewhat?

Please back up for a second and describe what you are trying to do with your node so that we can help you understand the best way to approach things.