Choose dashboard solution

That would be me (and some help from @Steve-Mcl and regular check ins and guidance with @dceejay), I wish we had a team of Designers and Developers on this, but alas its mostly me for about 3 days a week.

It is my understanding that this did take place (although not with me directly)

We have always been very open in our posts and updates for Feature Requests and issues, and there are active threads in this forum for exactly that (e.g. Dashboard 2.0 Pre-Alpha Available)

Dashboard 2.0 is completely open source, whilst FlowFuse are funding the developement of it through me, direct PRs, ideas, etc. are all welcome.

Apologies, poorly phrased on my part. I have architectured Dashboard 2.0 to be very flexible in this regard. Our first target/motivation is migrating features from the existing Dashboard 1.0, but also prociding flexibility (and already implementing some, e.g
Dynamic Markdown, Flow Viewer and Notebook Layout) for future feature growth, which Dashboard 1.0 was unable to support.

Thank you so much for sharing this. I hadn't been made aware of that post. I will read through it when I am back at my desk on Tuesday and take out any points and raise them into the Dashboard 2.0 issues, and plan accordingly.

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