Clarify - time to update @clarify/node-red-contrib-clarify

Hello @Paul-Reed and thanks for the nice words and the detailed explanation of your upgrade prosess.

With the fixes we published yesterday the update process can be done easier. There is actually no need to back up the clarify-db, as the only thing this database does is prevent the writing of static meta-data on every write. If you delete the clarify-db a new one will be created and the signal meta data will be written to Clarify again. Since your insertId (msg.topic) stays the same, it will just update the signals in Clarify and recreate the database in Node-Red.

I just verified that I could remove all old clarify-nodes, including config-nodes, from my flows, delete the old version from the palette, restart node-red and install the new version found in the palette.
This worked flawlessly on a fresh install of Node-Red where I forced the install of the old nodes via npm install.

Hoping to see more of you using Clarify and please let your businesses know, we are always looking for new customers to help us keep a free version for DIY and personal use :slight_smile: