Creating SCADA-like user interfaces using uibuilder and

Hi. Taking nothing away from the outstanding good work of @TotallyInformation or your use of it to create a HMI (something I wish more people would do to finally oust the likes of wincc, ifix, cimplicity, rsview and all the other hugely over priced scada applications) i did a demo during development of our (@BartButenaers and myself) new SVG node for dashboard (forum post / Github readme page )

This was a simple demo I did using the databinding capabilities...

The source flow for that demo comes in the samples when installed.

A couple of benefits I see over this product you're demoing (from my opinion)...

  • This is free (though we do accept GitHub stars and a beer if you ever meet myself or Bart) :+1:
  • It has a built in online SVG editor (i.e. web based, online) :+1: