Custom node with values from global

not really but i guess you want this #node-input-options to have the previous selection when the user re-opens the editor?

As I have said in other posts, you need to persist the selection in a node.propertyXXX upon oneditsave then in the oneditprepare function, when you do the fetch & populate the dropdown, use the persisted node.propertyXXX value to re-select the item,

See a full explanation here

So for example...

              data.forEach((item) =>
                  let value =;
                  let text =;
                  options.push({ v: value, t: text, });
                    $("<option></option>").attr("value", value).text(text)
                  if(value == node.selectedValue) $('#node-input-options').attr('selected','selected');  //<<<<<
  • node.selectedValue is something you need to set when the select is changed.
  • that means you need to have an $("#node-input-options").on("change", function(){ ...}
  • and you need to add selectedValue to the defaults object