Dashboard top bar Logo clickable?

Hey Steve,
thank you for the 2 tracks to follow.
I am in the 1st case "head template". I totally understand the idea of adding an HTML
<a> element with its href attribute.
Something like this <a href="https://example.com">Website</a> . it suits me perfectly.
However my scripting skills suck. Could you please tell me how to add these attributes to this script?
I did read and re-read the help but I am not skilled enough to implement this in the script.

The 2nd track, I find it less relevant in my case. On the other hand very interesting in other situations.
I tried it with this subject and this one
I attach the actual script below

<script id="clockScript1" type="text/javascript">
    var clockInterval;
    $(function () {
        if (clockInterval) return;

        //add logo
        var div1 = $('<div/>');
        var logo = new Image();

        logo.src = '/logo-onduleur.png'
        logo.height = 50;
        div1[0].style.margin = '10px auto';


        //add clock
        var div2 = $('<div/>');
        var p = $('<p/>');

        div2[0].style.margin = '5px';

        function displayTime() {
            p.text(new Date().toLocaleString());
        clockInterval = setInterval(displayTime, 1000);

        //add to toolbar when it's available
        var addToToolbarTimer;
        function addToToolbar() {
            var toolbar = $('.md-toolbar-tools');
            if(!toolbar.length) return;
        addToToolbarTimer = setInterval(addToToolbar, 100);