Display camera ip in dashboard and store video in raspberry

we will leave aside then since it works like that.

that's exactly what I would like (and probably many more). Here is an example of my dashboard:

it is a global view of all the sensors in the house (water heater, swimming pool, etc.)

On the left we see that a person has been detected at the portal.object detection project here
And on the right the streaming of the portal camera. (the cameras are under tabs that you can unfold and automatically launch the rtsp stream).

Fortunately, I chose the camera stream = 1 to reduce the processor load. For example if I run 4 cameras at the same time I have 25% cpu load (RPI 3b)

If I click on the camera, I switch to stream = 0 (1080p) on a full page (all other streams are stopped), the cpu is at 40%

Not bad : Makes me go from 40% to 25% cpu while losing a bit in quality (960x540px).

I failed to get it to work by adding it in my current command line:

  • the pipe2jpeg node announces : "pipe2jpeg: input must be a buffer"
  • if I remove pipe2jpeg : "unrecognized image format"

Are you thinking of doing it? It would be a terrible step forward.