[Doc feature request]A more complex contrib node example

I guess you are mostly concerned about the editor?

What about finding some nodes that implement advanced features and then strip them down until only the core functionality remains. With core functionality I mean the editor feature you want to have and not any functionality of the original node itself. Then we can collect a list of those stripped-down nodes somewhere.
I also think that it should not be a single node that shows every option, since even without message processing it would then hard again for a beginner to find the relevant part of the code.

One also has to distinguish between:

  • Features Node-RED provides
  • General jQuery
  • General html/css (mixed with css already provided by Node-RED)

Although I think the goal should not be to explain jQuery in detail, but there are some patterns that come up very often in nodes, like populating dropdown menus, making ajax calls to the runtime, hiding some configuration options depending on the configuration etc.

Some while ago I did such a stripped down version for the typed-input widget TypedInput Widget (hopefully not obsolete by now) and I have it laying around on my disc for future reference