Feature request - Access OS command line option in Change node

The examples I gave above directly relate to changing a message; except for counting NR deploys you can do them with Javascript in a function node.

I struggle to understand this objection.
People use Node-red in different ways for example some-parental-control-with-nodered-and-a-windows-pc or
Do you object to these on the basis that it's somewhat different to "normal" Node-red philosophy?

Yes it might allow me to run some application which would be better launched from an exec node. I wouldn't choose to start an xterminal and open a browser from a change node, but if I did, so what?

What it would do is allow me to more easily use my knowledge of the shell as an alternative perhaps to learning yet another language - JSONata.

The long dropdown of change node options is certainly a problem but if necessary it could be broken down into categories.