Nope. Go look at the debug output you provided above. What are the element names it displays? The debug going ‘into’ the function node
Ok, they are now but in your debug a couple posts ago they were different so I see you have made some changes.
Please provide your complete flow again
@zenofmud Thanks for helping me .. and sorry to distrub you . give me some time.
Now its working .
[{"id":"6ffadafe.da5624","type":"function","z":"166ff6a7.0b0779","name":"insert Query","func":"msg.topic="INSERT INTO test(Emp_Id,Name,F_name,DOJ) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";\nmsg.payload=[msg.payload.Emp_Id,msg.payload.Name,msg.payload.F_name,msg.payload.DOJ];\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":330,"y":80,"wires":[["e8e5e50e.b83968","c21b9501.cc5fd8"]]}]
Hi there,
This example is not working. So where can I find an example about it? I added 1 form node, 1 function node, 1 MySQL node and 1 debug node. I prepared my form fields as firstname, lastname and email. My MySql database table has id, firstname, lastname, and email fields. So how can I send form data to MySQL table? Is there any example about it?
Since this thread is over three years old, I’m going to close it and ask you to open a new one. Please provide your flow and let us know what version of node-red you have and which MySQL node you are using (node-red-…..)