Hasp["1"].page[0].tab[0].btn[0].value_str - too complex or run of the mill?

@yogy Thanks for testing - Its dependent on what values you are sending to the function. That code uses a list of "dummy" buttons to demonstrate calculating the coordinates and sizes of different arrangements of buttons.

This topic is about the next step, which is about a way to define actual content for each page, in a way so that arrangement is done automatically.

If you can show what you have in the inject node and this line of the function, but reply to the other topic please, then I can take a look for you :smiley:

const tabviewValues = {
"id": 50, "obj": "tabview", "btn_pos": 1, "y": 75, "w": 480, "h": 353, "bg_color": backgroundColor, "text_font": 26, "border_side": 0,