Help controlling water tank level

Yep thats essentially what i have given him with the flow that i posted above.

The safety element is nice and simple also - could obviously be further enhanced with another sensor (i personally use a waterproof ultrasonic sensor on my tank) to control the levels.


Sweet. Contributing from the office so could not copy and paste flows in the thread into Node-RED.

The minimalist in me wonders if changes in water pressure, temperature, etc. would cause a significant standard deviation in the time it takes to fill the tank.

If not, then the whole process could be done with just one sensor at the bottom of the tank and a flow that would start the pump and turn it off after n units of time. Seems like getting close enough to the top would be sufficiently simple that way.

hehe. Of course, complexity comes back into play: "Did the pump actually turn on and fill the tank."

Yep i do something similar - it depends on the size of the tank he is filling and the fill rate - it actually looks like he is filling from mains or some such as he is engaging a solenoid rather than turning on a relay.


Cheers for the input guys,

It’s only a small tank about 80ltr filling with mains water from the house. I’ve also got a JSN SR04T on the tank. I have no real reason why I chose to use float switches for the control and not the ultrasonic but I could use that as a secondary control for if the switches fail. I was thinking of hard wiring a second high level switch into the solenoid as a final safety precaution. I work away for 2 weeks at a time and I really don’t want to have to deal with water from a tap that’s been over flowing for that amount of time.

I’m at work At the moment and I’ll post what I end up with when I get home

Any other suggestions are welcome.