Help with adminAuth config for OpenID based authentication

I have this working with:

adminAuth: {
    type: "strategy",
    strategy: {
        name: "Keycloak",
        label: 'Sign in with KeyCloak',
        icon: "fa-key",
        strategy: require("@exlinc/keycloak-passport"),
        options: {
            host: "",
            realm: "myRealm",
            clientID: "node-red",
            clientSecret: "761a35f4-f2bf-48ee-b2cb-999351d0242f",
            callbackURL: "/auth/strategy/callback",
            authorizationURL: "",
            tokenURL: "",
            userInfoURL: ""
        verify: function (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
            done(null, profile);
    users: [
        { username: "", permissions: ["*"] }

and Keycloak settings of:

Note the http and not https in the redirect URL, as node-red was sending a redirect_uri of

this could be from running behind a proxy (Traefik) doing the tls for my sites.

@sarosh maybe try setting you callbackURL to just /auth/strategy/callback and your host to the host url of the nodered server [but I don't know how keycloak can call back to a localhost???]
