Help with how to parse this message

The icon is WHITE.

Yes because your html is not correct. I would recommend to use the template node so you that you can format/read it more consistently

<font color='rgb(200,0,0)'></font>
<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x'></i>


<font color='rgb(200,0,0)'>
   <i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x'></i>

But the reason the color is not rendering is caused by angular and its scoping.

correct format:

<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' ng-style="{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}"></i>
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I tried it both ways
<font color='rgb(200,0,0)'></font> <i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x'></i>

<font color='rgb(200,0,0)'> <i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x'></i> </font>

Neither work.

I know. It is my fault... I am upset by how stupid I am in that I am not remembering things. But alas this is beyond my control. (Reasons unknown)
I am trying to keep myself active - and by that I don't mean wasting your time. I am trying to get things sorted out. As soon as I think I have that. I discover it is wrong.

It is not a nice feeling that every day when I get up: what I knew yesterday is now invalid.

I see you are replying, but I think I had better post this:

Sorry, it gives an error.

If I add a , at the end I get: unclosed regular expression

There is a ezelsbruggetje (didnt know that that translated to mnemonic) to memorize the concept

<> = begin
</>  = end


<font> = font begin 
</font> = font end


everything in between is formatted according to the font format.

<font color="red">
  <i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x'></i>

In this case that doesnt fly because of the framework that is used in the dashboard, which strips those inline styles.

Your error:




Sorry..... This is really starting to make my head spin, and it isn't your fault.

From what I remember - if it is worth anything - is that <font> <i class .... </i></font> was ok.
because it wraps the <i> part.

What I can't have is <font>..... <i> </font></i> That's fair enough.

What I have done (for better or worse) is I am using an inject node to inject the value directly and the payload is as show.
That's not exactly true. The message is created in this node.

Once I get that working, I will then be able (I hope) to go a level up and then use the rgbStr which is a variable.

But I seem to be lacking the understanding of how to now get that working.

This is what is in the function node:

msg.device = "TABBYCAT";   // for testing

var dev = msg.device;   // set this for later use.

msg = {
    "payload":<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' ng-style="{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}"></i>
//  That is copy/pasted from what you gave me.
    "device": dev
return msg;

It (Node-Red) doesn't like it.

Yes, I messed up something. It is so frustrating not being able to see it.
And sorry for wasting your time.

As already suggested, the bit after the colon must be a string. You need double quotes round it, and also you need to escape the double quotes inside there using \".

Ok i put that string into a template node directly:

<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' style='color:rgb({{msg.payload.color}})'></i>

The payload send is like:

m = {}
m.color = "200,0,0"

return {payload:m}



( i had some trouble formatting it correctly, can drop the ng-style, style works)


Thanks, but honestly. I can't resolve that.
"{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}" is a matched set of " and ok, that is going to be nested inside the new " I am about to wrap this in.


and also you need to escape the double quotes inside there using \"

I don't have a ladder tall enough to understand what that means. Sorry.

"payload":"<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' ng-style=\"{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}\"></i>"

The \ before the embedded quotes escapes them so they are not interpreted by javascript as string delimiters.

Yeah, ok again: Thanks.

But I a missing how to get that in the function node.

If I put that where the other line is/was I get the same error:

unclosed regular expression.

And (way off topic) I am also missing something because I can not seem to get code printed here as you did in post #19 of this thread.
How did you get that?

I thought it was 3 x "`" these guys. But it isn't.
Or it doesn't do it when I do it. It all comes out on one line.

Post the function code, you have made an error. You have escaped both the embedded double quotes I hope.

Edit, use the </> button. Start a new line first.

If you want to send formatted html to a template node, you need to use msg.template instead


color = "200,0,0"
msg.template ="<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' style='color:rgb("+color+")'></i>"
return msg;

Connect it to a template node, any content will be overwritten by the msg.template.

Here's the code:

[{"id":"180f4891.538f47","type":"inject","z":"a1911aa3.c45be8","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":570,"y":2220,"wires":[["497b5cc9.9dd91c"]]},{"id":"497b5cc9.9dd91c","type":"function","z":"a1911aa3.c45be8","name":"","func":"msg.device = \"TABBYCAT\";\n\n//var x = msg.payload.split(\",\");\n//node.warn(\"X \"+x)\n\n//var y = x[2];\n//node.warn(y);\n\nvar dev = msg.device;\n\n//var spl = msg.payload.split(\",\");\n//var rgbPart = spl[0];   //get the   rgb   part  (element 0)\n//var idPart = spl[1];    //get the   id    part  (element 1)\n//var rgb = spl.slice(2); //get  remaining  parts (elements 2 ~ the end)\n//var rgbStr = rgb.join(\",\"); // join these last three parts by comma back to a string\n\nmsg = {\n\n    \"payload\":\"<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' ng-style=\\\"{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}\\\"></i>\",\n\n\n//    \"payload\":\"<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' ng-style=\"{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}\"></i>\"\n\n//    \"payload\":\"<font color='rgb(200,0,0)'><i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x'></i></font>\",\n    \"device\": dev\n}\nreturn msg;\n\n//set the payload as required - example...\n//msg.payload = {\n//  id: idPart,\n//  rgb: rgb,\n//  rgbStr: rgbStr\n//}\n//return msg;\n\n\n\n\n\n//node.warn(msg.colour)\n\n//return msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":720,"y":2220,"wires":[["d4b19fd2.f4c96"]]},{"id":"d4b19fd2.f4c96","type":"switch","z":"a1911aa3.c45be8","name":"","property":"device","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"cont","v":"Marvin","vt":"str"},{"t":"cont","v":"S5","vt":"str"},{"t":"cont","v":"TABBYCAT","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":3,"x":900,"y":2180,"wires":[[],[],["cd36d859.72e13","ccf5ab11.7c97c"]]},{"id":"cd36d859.72e13","type":"debug","z":"a1911aa3.c45be8","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","x":1110,"y":2240,"wires":[]},{"id":"ccf5ab11.7c97c","type":"ui_text","z":"a1911aa3.c45be8","group":"ef4cdff9.3f4b4","order":0,"width":"2","height":"1","name":"","label":"S5","format":"{{msg.payload}}","layout":"row-spread","x":1110,"y":2180,"wires":[]},{"id":"ef4cdff9.3f4b4","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Mobile devices","tab":"325a9fd4.22bde8","order":4,"disp":true,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"325a9fd4.22bde8","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Big device status","icon":"mi-drag_indicator","order":2,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

This is what I see in the debug node:

{"payload":"<i class='fa fa-bullseye fa-2x' ng-style=\"{color:'rgb(200,0,0)'}\"></i>","device":"TABBYCAT","_msgid":"1b2205f5.e25eba"}

The ...... text node.... WHITE.
Shouldn't it be RED?
Screenshot from 2020-08-21 23-08-26

You said it was generating a regex error. I don't see that.
When I said to post the function node code, I meant to copy it from the function node and paste it in using the </> button so I could see what was wrong.

No, I said.....

Post 30. But even before then. 29, 22.....

I posted the entire flow so there are no other hidden monsters which may be further complicating the already storm in a tea cup problem.

Is it generating a regular expression error?

As per the screen shot:

Though that is an old error and it was resolved with the \" trick I was since shown.

But when the flow - posted - is run: the text node is WHITE, and not RED which is the goal at this point.

Once I can get that working, I will then modify the code to accept the msg.payload stuff to control the colour. THEN, I will put it in the real flow.

Post 32.
It is the entire flow. the message seen in the debug node and a screen shot of the text node.
As said: It should be red - looking at the rgb part of the message. It is white.
Something - somewhere - isn't playing the game.

Your flow is using a ui-text node, this appears to be stripping off inline styles, hence default color: white.
It works with a template node (as shown above).

Please indulge me why it works on other machines?

I can't dispute what you are saying. I wanted to get the bulls eye to appear and be colour controlled by a message.
Sure a different message, etc etc. But controlled.
I got the code from another machine and stuck it here expecting it (or them to be on the same page.)
Seems they aren't.

Why? I don't know. Yes: It is my problem (and/or fault).

The colour has been RED at one point. So it can change colour. So that is another twist to things. But I am not interested - well, maybe I am - in that. I just want it to do what it was doing on the other machine, only on this one with a slightly different message.

So I shall try a template node now.
