How can I toggle a group of lights (that don't go out of sync)

Hi, Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.
I imported your diagram, and I have a few remarks.

  1. I didn't have the ui_led palette installed... I installed "node-red-contrib-ui-led (v. which looks like your picture above, but I never got the LEDs to actually change colors (they're actually white like in your pic... which is wrong right? they should be yellow or grey?)

  2. the UI-LED is a unique thing, in a real-life scenario, I would be using a Call Service Node right? and with that, I need to specify "toggle, on or off"

If I chose turn_on light, then regardless of which button I press, both the ON and the OFF button will turn on my light.

and if I select the toggle option for both my lights, my out of sync issue persists. if 1 light is ON and you hit the toggle button, it will turn on 1 light, and turn off the one that's on.