How to change svg circle attribute based on msg.payload and msg.topic?

Not really, but the project is the same. This thread is about processing incoming data into the UI to change UI elements - now solved thanks to you guys. The other thread is about making on click events work to send custom topic/payloads out.

Yes, I tried it but the code I have possibly (in its current form) confuses the svg node as no on click events work with it.

I see you like uibuilder :wink: . I installed it to try it out but currently your "Clickable Dial" code renders fine but I get not on click events.

Thanks @hotNipi. I read the dominant-baseline doc as you suggested but did not understand it at all as I do not have enough pre-knowledge to make sense of it. However I added your code snippet to my "clickable dial" and the lightbulb centres sweetly. I changed the x value back to 50% and adjusted the y value down to 47% to make it aesthetically pleasing to my eye.

I tried to find that but the only FontAwesome reference in the thread was in the OP - How to make an svg circle element on click, in a mustache template, output topic/payload?