Issue accessing SSL version of node-red

Hi @steveh92

I'm afraid you will find this difficult in the custom HTTP Node alone, the Node Itself needs to support SSL, and it currently does not.

Node RED's version DOES - Because its using the same server instance that Node RED is using (where SSL is configured to work correctly)

Your options are

  • Raise a feature request to support SSL to who ever looks after the node you are using
  • Use some sort of proxy service (Like cloudflare)
  • Use NGINX as a reverse proxy (as it will provide the SSL support layer)

A lot here use NGINX - as its all on the same machine, and generally works really well.

This is how NGINX will work at a basic level.

You open up port 443 (that NGINX will listen on - and provide a secure connection)
it will then connect to Node RED internally (on any port you need such as 1881 for your custom HTTP)

You will not need to open up port 1881 - as its being connected to locally by NGINX

Please give this a read on accessing Node RED securely
Safely accessing Node-RED over the Internet - FAQs - Node-RED Forum (

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