"long press" ui element

Hi @moryoav!
Here's a quick hack that hopefully works for you, if you press on it (either mobile or desktop) for more than 1 second, the toggle switch will change but not output back to Node-Red:

   <md-switch id="longPress" ng-model="msg.payload"> Long Press switch</md-switch>


(function($scope) {
let timerTreshold = false
let timer;
let msg = {"payload": false}
$('#longPress').on('touchstart mousedown', function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); //prevent default behavior
    timer = setTimeout(function() {timerTreshold = true; msg.payload = !msg.payload; console.log(msg.payload)}, 1000);

$('#longPress').on('touchend mouseup', function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); //prevent default behavior
    if (!timerTreshold){
        msg.payload = !msg.payload
    timerTreshold = false;
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