MQTT-In Not Connecting

@knolleary can i replace the by 176.31.. server that i have ..???

@cymplecy @knolleary i use my raspberry and a NODE RED and i want connect via MQTT the raspberry and NODE RED i use the server and it works good my question is why if i use the 176.31... my server the result is disconnect ,

We do not know if your raspberry pi and whatever is running Node-RED can see the 176. Server.

Is the 176 server on the public internet and visible to all of your devices?

@knolleary the 176.. server is not in the public internet , maybe my problem is that my raspberry can not see this server

To check that, in a terminal, run
ping 176.31.whatever it is
and see if it responds

@Colin it respond "64 bytes from 176.31..."

So what do you think is the meaning of that? Google what ping does if you don't know.
How did you get on with my suggestion of trying MQTT Explorer?
What MQTT broker is installed on the 176 machine?

@knolleary @cymplecy @ukmoose @Colin this is my problem when i use my broker 176.31... to connect my raspberry and node red via MQTT

Can you show the configuration of the mqtt-broker node? Click the pencil button next to the 176.31.... field.

Please try and answer questions asked.

@knolleary ok

Ok, I will ask again, perhaps one question at a time will be better.
What MQTT broker is installed on the 176 machine?

@Colin mosquitto version 1.4.10

Good. In that case have a look at the mosquitto log and see if it shows anything about the client trying to connect. Where the log is will depend upon how mosquitto has been installed and configured. On Ubuntu and Raspbian the default location is /var/log/mosquitto.log.
You said in your first post that it worked with MQTT Explorer. Is that with explorer running in the Pi, connecting to the broker on 176.31..?
One thing I don't understand is that you say that 176.31.n.n is on your local network, but that IP address range appears to be owned by OVH who operate cloud computers, which suggests that the server is out on the internet, not on your local network.

@Colin when i use the 176.31... the result is no connection , and the 176.31.n.n is not on my local network

OK. I thought you said earlier that it was. So does it work with MQTT explorer running on the pi?

yes i use the 176. the result is disconnected

Have you checked you can connect any mqtt client from anywhere (for example, from your laptop) to the MQTT broker you have running on 176..... ?

So far you have shown us many times that your Node-RED nodes cannot connect. You need to test to see if you can connect from somewhere else.

Yes what? Is that in response to my question as to whether it does work with MQTT Explorer running on the pi?

@Colin i don't use the MQTT explore i use the mqtt node in node red