Need help inputting CSV data from OBD2 into influx from Chevy bolt

I would like to store all the values with the GPS time stamp for the time

So for example

Battery Level
GPS Time: 1577775035485
!Battery Level Displayed(%): 72.94117737

Battery voltage
GPS Time: 1577775035485
!MG Voltage(V): 372.98001099

All values are from a CSV logfile from the OBD2 reader. The way I have it right now I get a message object for each row in the CSV file with GPS Time being the first line outputted. I need to modify the message to a format that is correct for influx batch mode.

I need output similar to this picture with measurement being car, and the fields being Battery voltage and other values.

My current message is like this.

Thanks for your help , I apologize for being such a noob.