[New Release] node-red-contrib-uibuilder - v3.3.0

I'm in the process of building a configurable component-based dashboard using vue, vuetify and uibuilder. See towards the end of the long Uibuilder: to subscribe or not to subscribe? thread. I'm reflecting a big state tree from node-red into the front-end as described in that thread and from there into configurable widgets. I looked at using vuex but decided not to 'cause I didn't see the benefits in this use-case, and I'm already having enough issues with the reactivity that I didn't want to introduce another layer. (I looked at Vue3, which would be great, but neither Vuetify nor bootstrap-vue support it yet). I should have a demo in a couple of days, right now I'm still in refactoring #3... The code is up on github, so if anyone is eager I can point to it (or you can find it).