Nicedevil's Starting Questions

mhhh, looks like this

first function determines if harmony set's devices on or off (status = 1 or status = 3).
if I turn devices on the shelly plug is turned on immediatly (that's the way to function on top)
this function only sets the msg.payload = "on" for the switch (that is connected to this link)

the normal msg.object.... is sent to the lower line over delay (7 sec) and so on

if I turn devices off the first function set the msg.payload to off and the switch is turned off after the delay of 7 sec as well (so harmony got enough time to first turn devices soft off with the programmed activity).

will give your suggestion a try :slight_smile: will report back when I'm done.

is there an option to just put out a value without decimals on gauge?


I'm startpaging around for gauge valueformat for node-red and I'm just finding guys that descibe hwo to get a gauge :confused:

I can do it with a function that round everything mathematicaly correct but I would like to get the flow as clean as possible... so maybe it is even possible with just this part of gauge?


Yes, as described in the info panel for the gauge node

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ahahahah.... how stupid I am... got the debug window on all the time xD

hey @cymplecy I noticed that I was wrong with those messages...

the debug node was set to msg.payload and not the whole message... that's why I didn't see everything :slight_smile:
So I was able to send the whole object with all those different messages in one object (with payload).

Now I just want to check if the switch for my homecinema is already turned on, if tho I don't have to send the activity over node-red. Is it possible to check this inside a javascript function?

EDIT: One solution would be to just activate those Harmony Activities when the switch is pressed directly attached to the switch :smiley:

EDIT2: Oh no that won't work :frowning: because the switch won't send the activities :confused:

Mhhh maybe I have a solution for that but I can't find out how to access a flow or even global variable?
I was able to set this variable in function A but not able to get it in function B

function A:

if (msg.payload == "on") {
    flow.set("HKswitch", "on");
} else {
    flow.set("HKswitch", "off");


function B:

var text = flow.get(HKswitch);
msg.payload = "text";
return msg;

Result after injection:

You are missing the quotes around HKswitch.

var text = flow.get("HKswitch")
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Ok I'm done now with the harmony :slight_smile:

one less node for this

I've found the awesome averagebars node but it needs a bit (not a bit, think 3-4 times) wider widget size then I'm able to setup manually.

is there a way to hardcode the widgetsize for just the dashboard templates?

Mhhh guys,

the problem with crashed browser is back after a few hours of running charts on my dashboard.

If found something ( that other guys got the same issue but I don't know how to solve it. The guys are telling that the values that are needed to fill a chart are all saved on the machine also if they are not needed anymore for displaying the whole graph (f.e. last 24 hours).

So my first question is: Is it possibile to only send one value every 1 minute to the chart instead of every time they change?
And is it possible to clear the cache of values that are not needed anymore?

I have a join node with this f.e.:

You can use a delay node set to rate limit mode and ignore intermediate messages.

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Gave this a try, will report back if it won't fix it.

What could be the problem if a switch won't show the correct status after 1-2hours?
The MQTT Device is connected.

EDIT: nevermind, fixed it while rebooting the mqtt switch :slight_smile:

EDIT2: Problem still exists, after redeploying the flow the device status won't be shown anymore and keeps at that state. all other switches works like a charm.

the switch expects the input type to match the output - so 0 (number) is not the same as "0" (string) - etc... so unless they match the input will have no effect.

Hey guys, I'm back with new questions :slight_smile:

I managed to get a PIN pad on my dashboard. I have one switch that should not accidentialy pressed while doing finger stuff on my smartphone :stuck_out_tongue:

So my idea was to enter a PIN on my new PIN pad and if the PIN is correct the switch that could be activated will be shown on the dashboard. After a given period of time the button will be hide again.

Is that possible ?

As this is a new question, please open a new thread. That way if someone has a similar issue they are more likely to find a thread that’s relevant to them

kk will do so :slight_smile: