Node-RED 0.20.7 released

Could it be some firewall/security settings that Windows has defaulted to after the upgrade to prevent applications listening on ports they haven't been explicitly allowed to?

I've checked and manually disabled windows firewall for the purpose of a test but no luck. but this command netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp
revealed that port 1880 got included in a list of "reserved" port range:

Porta iniziale    Porta finale
----------    --------
        80          80
      1571        1670
      1671        1770
      1771        1870
      1871        1970
      1971        2070
      2180        2279
      2280        2379
      2380        2479
      2480        2579
      2680        2779
      2780        2879
      3207        3306
      3390        3489
      3545        3644
      5357        5357
      5700        5700
      8884        8884
     19443       19443
     50000       50059     *

After changing local port to anything not in those ranges, voilĂ ! Node-Red is happliy running again.
I still can't figure out what exactly modified that list, but at least NR is ok now.

thanks to everybody who chimed in :slight_smile:

OK, there is something odd there - is this a corporate machine?

Here is my response to that command:

> netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp

Protocol tcp Port Exclusion Ranges

Start Port    End Port
----------    --------
        80          80
      5357        5357
     50000       50059     *

* - Administered port exclusions.

Rather significantly different - something must have set those exclusions.

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In fact, try running:

netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp store=persistent

To see whether those are persistent exclusions or not. If not, then something that is running is excluding them. Either some kind of corporate setting or, more likely, some kind of anti-malware tool being rather too intrusive.

It turns out that it was Hyper-V reserving those ports. It got re-installed by the update (I had it disabled prior to that). Manually deselected the feature again and the excludedportrange is sane again :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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In my case the problem was with sessionExpiryTime:

adminAuth: {... sessionExpiryTime: 3*30*24*60*60}

Probably, it's calculated in microseconds so I was getting:
3*30*24*60*60*1000 > 2147483647

The problem solved by changing sessionExpiryTime to 20 days and removing the .sessions.json

Should we really use 32-bit signed integer for this comparison?