Since node-RED v1.2.0, the config.json file has been split up into seperate files, so to capture those files for the backup, please change this line in the node-red-contrib-dsm node;
"cmd += pre + '.config.json';",
"cmd += pre + '.config*.json';",
...which includes the wildcard character * to ensure that all of the conf files are included.
Flow updated (see post #1 above) to include the additional package.json & package-lock.json'contained within the externalModules folder, which was introduced in v1.3.0.
The changes in the DSM node are the inclusion of;
"cmd += pre + 'externalModules/package.json';",
"cmd += pre + 'externalModules/package-lock.json';",
Flow updated (see post #1 above) to accommodate changes made in node-RED v2.0.0.
The package.json & package-lock.json' contained within the externalModules folder, which was introduced in node-RED v1.3.0 has now been discontinued, and a .config.modules.json file added to manage the external modules instead.
The changes in the DSM node therefore are the removal of lines;
"cmd += pre + 'externalModules/package.json';",
"cmd += pre + 'externalModules/package-lock.json';",
Hi Walter, I haven't added projects, but it shouldn't be too difficult to add.
I don't use projects, but I'm assuming that the default node-RED structure would be;
The flow uses the 'dropbox' node to update the backup to Dropbox, so I would suggest raising the issue with the node maintainers, who may be able to fix, advise or update their node's readme to overcome the problem.
To clarify, the problem is not with this flow, it's because the Dropbox node has not been updated since dropbox's API auth was changed.