
I've nearly come full circle on this

simpletime should be simpletime :slight_smile:

90% of my use is as an inline timestamper where I use it to work out time difference between two messages.

Going to any sort of complication just so that the date looks a bit nicer to my eyes isn't worth it if means it looks worse for others :slight_smile:

So I formally cancel my request

But if you fancy adding in these four - it would make it easier to make up a UK format if really needed :slight_smile:
mymonth as mmm (or even full name?????)
myday as ddd (or even full name????)
mydom (day of month) [d]d (no leading zero)
myyear yyyyy

I'll try and have a look over the weekend, and repost.


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I've just added;

  • mymonth
  • myday
  • mydom
  • myyear

...and updated the node on npm to v2.2.0, which will be updated shortly in the node-RED palette manager.

Thanks for the feedback.


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Thank you very much :slight_smile:

here is my JSONata code in case anyone wants my original request format

myday & " " & mydom & " " & mymonth & " "& myyear & " " & mytime

Tue 11 Sep 2018 22:26

If you haven't already started - could I offer to update the node info for you?


I thought that I had already done that :thinking:

What did you have in mind?

Its not made it into the editor on mine (but I can use the new things) #Confused

Just tried a shift-F5 and dragged a new instance out but made no diff #StillConfused

Its not in my html file

but JS looks ok

We seem to have lost


which has broken my existing flows

Oops, sorry.
I'll fix it later today.

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I should have included ALL nodes on my September refrain list :slight_smile:

Yes, it's all your fault!!

Fix now committed to npm, the NR node library should update shortly...

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Thanks - its back :slight_smile:
The node info in the editor is STILL not updated though

I wonder if some bug how npm is getting updated???

Any thoughts why the readme is not being synced in the NR palette with NPM?

My bad - I forgot to update the .html file!
Now updated :smiley:

Is it NR not syncing with NPM or is it NPM not syncing with Github?