Onvif camera control

Go to manage pallet and install:


here it is with an example what it does. that makes it clear to me:


I've started to use this node.
I'd like to take a snapshot by JPEG, and I did it.
But I don't know how to change the resolution.
Currently the resolution is fixed to "480x280"...
Is there any way to change the value of resolution?

I've tried to get profile from the camera, and got 2 profiles whose names are "profile0", "profile1".

"profile0" seems to be a configuration of JPEG.
This has value "VideoEncoderConfiguration"
"width:480 / height:272".

Are these values available to edit?

I would appreciate you if teach me the way to solve the problem.
Thanking you in advance.

Hi @yoshiki,

You will need to create a new profile for the resolution that you want. Once the profile has been setup, you can select it and use it.

There is a section about that on my readme page:


But I see in the screenshot that at the time being I have added a comment about creating new profiles. It is too long ago, so I don't know anymore what was missing ...

I have too much to do at the moment to dig into this. But will continue with these nodes somewhere in 2020...

Thank you for reply.
I'll try to create a profile.

Hello Bart

Thank you for your great efforts on this project and others, it is one of the missing nodes for long time.

I read in your last post that you are busy with other stuff, but whenever you decided to continue and finalize this node, I can help in testing this since I have PTZ and fixed cameras connected to my node-red.
Unfortunately I can contribute in coding, my knowledge in coding is limited.

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Hi Mohammed (@mzubaidi),
Well I'm almost through my Node-RED todo list. But need to finish a couple of things, otherwise those contributions risc never to be published ...
But have some good news, because the Onvif library that I'm using has got a new maintainer (because the project was nearly abandoned). The guy recently has been so kind to do some fixes for my Panasonic cameras, and he has now added support for event streams from Onvif devices. Which is great to listen to events like motion detection, ...

Thanks for your assistance!!!
You can always start testing my nodes and give me feedback, then I will try to fix the reported problems as soon as possible. Then at least we have a starting point ...

Hi Bart, it's finally moving on this library! Super news, I can't wait to test these additions in your node that I use every day as well as your RTSP node which also deserves improvements. :nerd_face:

Hi, I have installed it in node-red as well as manually ffmpeg. The node detect correclty the ONVIF IP camera and I set it with the config node (it shows connected).
But I don't understand how to take the rstp video, anyway a streaming video. Could you please give some more detailed? I see you all are very technically deep on this topic, but me.
Thanks a lot

Please don't post the same question in multiple discussions, because that makes it hard for us to follow-up. Thanks!

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Sorry Bart, You're right. I'll cancel the other post.
Could you please give me an hand? I don't understand how and where to put the url I found, in order to display the video. My Ip camera is protect by username and password, do I need to put them inside the url or not? I tryed several times in different way but without success.

Evening @Lupin_III,

From this link I "assume" you can pass your credentials (username/password) in an RTSP url just the same way as you do with HTTP:


Of course this works only if your camera supports basic authentication. But you have to make sure it isn't digest authentication because then this won't work ...

So I assume you just need to change the rtsp URL (which you have received via Onvif from your camera) manually

Thanks for your support Bart, I'm sorry but I don't understand how to proceed with node-red-contrib-onvif-nodes. What I need is just to make a stream video on the dashboard. I can use rtsp, but even http as well. My camera even support ONVIF. I don't mind. With your node I've ben able to detect the camera, see the profile and just have a snapshot using out image with the setting you explained in an earlier post.
Sorry but I don't understand how to use your nodes. For exemple where should I put the URL? And how can show it on the dashboard? I don't see any node where I can choose the widget and tab.
I will really appreciate if you could put togheter an exemple of the nood I need and their setting. For example now I understand I need to set even the username and possword. Previously I had understood it wasn't necessary since I set them up inside the device setting.
On the raspberry I solved the problem using motion, but now I have a windows PC so this is not possible any more.
Reallly thanks a lot

Well as far as I know Onvif just allows you to get the rtsp url, but that is as far as onvif goes. Decoding the stream itself is a complete other story. So that will never become a functionality of my onvif nodes in the future. For rtsp you have to read the other discussion, e.g. my RTSP demo flow there. But others have continued that discussion about decoding the stream in third-party tools outside of Node-RED.

Yes you need to set the credentials (username/password) in my config nodes, to get permission to access the camera via onvif. But if you use other nodes to access your camera's RTSP stream, of course you have to enter there your credentials again to get permission to view the stream.

That is yet another question , which is not part of this onvif discussion. Once your flow has decoded your rtsp stream, you will need to stream the individual images to your dashboard. If you search this forum you will find other discussions that talk about that...

Hey Bart!

No support needed yet, as the documentation and forum have been amazing.

Thanks for doing this project. These nodes are giving me PTZ control of my onvif JideTech Dome 5MP camera (useful for googlers).

Thank You!