Permission error Copying or Writing to a file in Fileshare remote folder

node-red-contrib-smb says I am passing the wrong a wrong parameter. Still working on understanding it.

however node-red-contrib-filebrowser is unable to install, gives me this log.

2019-07-31T21:21:10.609Z Install : node-red-contrib-filebrowser 0.0.25

2019-07-31T21:21:10.624Z npm.cmd install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-filebrowser@0.0.25
2019-07-31T21:21:14.653Z [err] npm 
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] ERR! code ENOGIT
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] npm ERR! Error while executing:
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] npm ERR! undefined ls-remote -h -t
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] npm ERR!
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err]  
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] npm ERR!
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err]  undefined
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] npm 
2019-07-31T21:21:14.654Z [err] ERR! No git binary found in $PATH
2019-07-31T21:21:14.655Z [err] npm ERR! 
2019-07-31T21:21:14.655Z [err] npm
2019-07-31T21:21:14.655Z [err]  ERR! Failed using git.
2019-07-31T21:21:14.655Z [err] npm ERR!
2019-07-31T21:21:14.655Z [err]  Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.
2019-07-31T21:21:14.675Z [err] 
2019-07-31T21:21:14.675Z [err] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
2019-07-31T21:21:14.675Z [err] npm ERR!     C:\Users\test\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\_logs\2019-07-31T21_21_14_656Z-debug.log
2019-07-31T21:21:14.695Z rc=1```

Any idea what could be wrong?
