Problem in showing results in python

Also not working with mqtt and modified script???

I think I know what is causing this...

This line in your python script
is creating a python bytes object

Try this code

        #print("\nReceived: ")
        payload = self.read_payload(nocheck=True)
        send_mqtt_message('loramessage', str(payload))
        #print ("Receive: ")
        mens=mens[2:-2] #to discard \x00\x00 and \x00 at the end
        send_mqtt_message('loramessage', str(mens))

I'm working on it, but as I am installing and using paho for the first time, it takes some time to solve errors, and the latest one is :

As you also guess, I have used str() lately to solve the problem in pythonshell and daemon,but face no change in answer there !

Sorry, I missed a part in the script, I have updated it now

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I have updated the script further, I believe I have solved it, when I simulate the data it works but you should run it with python3, like "python3"
This is because python3 handles bytes/bytearray differently than python2

vow !
excellent !
It works correctly
Thanks for your help :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Nice to hear!!!

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