Recommended scheduling for roller-shutters

@Trying_to_learn Thanks for the quick answer, but the "simple" way is not working, because it can NOT cancel running delays and triggers.

Currently I'm investigang following methods to decide what would be best to solve this:

  • using contexts with unique IDs to remember "current / last state"
  • insert switches to decide if the original command has been ovveriden to drop execution of timer-based triggers
  • maybe creating timer-arrays as here ?
  • how to make more complex JSONATA templates + messages to store multiple infos like:
    name: "livingroom",
    time-to-full-roll: 22,
    half-roll: 5,
    last_direction: "DW",
    current_state: "rolling"

Is it possible, somehow to use "events" to notify [1,2,5] to "go full Up" ?