RedBack - Node-Red as Backend

Hmm, well just because you have a nice hammer, it doesn't mean that you should use it for everything.

This is a little like saying that just because we have the english language, Shakespeare shouldn't have written his works with it even if it was possible,

Also of course, if the core devs were to agree, you could consider some code submissions because resources for change are always at a premium.

Why? I have no code changes that I would believe to be general enough for a larger community. I just used what node-red had on offer. I did all this with what comes with Node-RED!

I find it surprising that there is no little desire to experiment with Node-RED - so what if I create a backend-with-a-backend, why is the default behaviour here to say: you can't do that, no don't do it, panic you can't do that. I did it, I have got it running and it works. And hell, I learnt a lot but not all.

This group in the forum is called "share you projects" so I did and all I hear is: no you can't do that, no don't that. But I did. And it worked. It's live. Done. And all I wanted to say was: look what I did with Node-RED and perhaps someone finds it interesting.

But nope, no one finds it interesting because I'm using the hammer to break windows but their my windows to break and I don't care. So it might get messy, so what? Where's the problem? Am I somehow affecting you with what I am doing?

I really am sorry for sharing this. Both for those who have read this and for me, it's so negative to only hear "you can't do that".

I'll come back when I have pretty dashboard and some lights that I'm turning on and off.

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Thank you for sharing your project. I'm sorry that the majority of feedback so far has been negative. I'm always interested in how people are using the basic engine in new and off-the-wall ways. As far as I am concerned no ideas are out of bounds (excepting within legal boundaries of course), and IOT is most definitely not the only use case.

Good luck to you.

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Thank you for your kind words and yes I still love Node-RED! :slight_smile:

I really believe that Node-RED is something for a broad audience of people (including artists and writers e.g.) - simply because it is so well made and so flexible. I am surprised that where I live there seem to be no meet-ups involving Node-RED or user-groups for that matter.

I guess having loved Yahoo Pipes, my approach towards Node-RED is a different one than for most other people. I'll keep hacking away at it, even if it's just my small corner of spaceship earth.

Take Care.


I read your posts but to be honest I didn't really understand what you were doing.

I did like the use of the NR editor as a diagramming tool though.

And coming from Birmingham I was completely mystified at the discussion of using a hammer to drive screws. I mean, what else is there to use? A paint tin lid levering tool?
(For folks from posher regions, a Birmingham Screwdriver is not a cocktail but a hammer)


Yes I can understand that and sorry about that, I hope the diagrams can help a little.

It's my background of grinding away on backends for startups that caused my excitement: here was a tool whereby business people could understand what I had built and ideally fix it themselves. Having had too many meetings with business people who kept asking why feature X should take so long "it's just a matter of doing A,B,C - easy!" they would say and I would show them the codebase and the conversation ended with their eyes glazed over, not having understood a bit of what I was showing and explaining to them in the code. Their ended up trusting my judgement (they assumed that if I could explain it, I knew what I was doing!).

So Node-RED instantly became this visual coding space where business people could understand what was happening (if done in a way that visually told a story).

And that was what this experiment was about.

Actually, I think it is more like just because he wrote in English, we shouldn't ever write in a different language. Or just because I know JavaScript, I shouldn't ever use Python. Just because I have Node-RED, doesn't mean that I will always use it because other tools might be better at certain jobs.

The actual point I was trying to make was that Node-RED is not currently the best tool for doing some things. Not that it can't be (perhaps even should be) extended to cover other cases. But that rather there might be more pressing matters to cover and to take up core dev time. But if someone wanted to try and contribute something interesting - well, that might be different.

No lack of desire here. Rather lack of time and resources. I'd love to have more time to experiment more with Node-RED. That's why it is interesting to hear about other people's ideas.

I don't think I said that and I hope I didn't imply it. Indeed, I specifically said that you can do whatever you fancy.

Where others DO have concerns is about where scarce dev resources are focused. And now you've made it clearer that you weren't looking to make changes so that is my bad for not picking up on that earlier.

Yes, certainly! If nobody broke anything, how would we learn.

Sorry about that, didn't mean to put words in your mouth. It was the impression I obtained from what you wrote. I just want to experiment and yes I know I could do this with something else but the advantage of Node-RED is its visualisation of flows. And that advantage is more important to me than using the "right" language for the job or rather because of the visuals, Node-RED is the right tool for the job.

God no! I was simply doing "fyi, here's what I did" - in no way was I asking/expecting for core devs to make changes or even take notice. I was actually hoping for a response "ah, I did that too but had these problems A,B,C along the way" or "ah, I tried that too but it didn't work because X,Y,Z".

Either no one has done this using Node-RED or it's simply to trivial to be bothered about. Either way, I find it a great way to put together a prototype and test ideas.


Well Sir, the suggestion for a "server" was to show that you can scale Node-RED. You certainly do not need windows server or SQL Server at all. You can do it on a RPI. That said, I use multiple sessions on a windows 10 laptop. I host Mosquitto MQTT and the "node" broker on Node-RED.
You are free to do as you please and program anything you want. Nobody here is telling you what you can or cannot do. Certainly not me. I was addressing the notion what Node-RED is and how you can use it.
Node-RED hammer... Did I say that you cannot use it as a back-end? Did I say you can and should already think of it as a back-end? I believe that is what is posted... I simply mentioned that you can do amazing things with it and the dashboard. It's a tool which you can quickly develop reasonable work tools which rival months of development.

Has anyone here faulted you for being imaginative? I have not. I am simply stating that if you were to dig a bit deeper, you could see that your mentioned usage is exactly what it does normally.
Your "amazing" or "non-amazing" things speak for themselves and not depend on dissertation.

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