Retaining state information in a Dashboard 2 ui-template

I believe that this.msg is reference to same object you'll get back as replay. It works obviously. Doesn't it? For dialog it works why not for others?

EDIT: Wait, Ill check something and come back with it. Cos we are talking a bit different situations maybe...

With msg watcher:

watch: {
        msg: function(){    
            if(this.msg.payload != undefined){     

You get replay message and only way to get rid of it is to send msg with payload = null

With direct socket listening:

mounted() {            
            this.$socket.on('msg-input:' +, function (msg) {                
                console.log("msg from socket:",msg)

You don't get any replay messages what so ever.
Still you can listen replay by watching msg and do whatever symbiosis then