Should I buy those Zigbee thermostats

I simply use http-request nodes to do whatever I need. I've not actually set/changed a schedule yet but I believe it to be possible the same as changing anything else like a setpoint on a specific device.

The Python API is a good source of info on working with the API and it certainly says you can change the schedule:

Haha, I note that the Python API actually references my blog post, that's funny. :rofl: The Home Assistant Wiser repo has some more info on controlling schedules via the Python API.

This article has a good extended review that is worth reading as are the comments. In fact, the author asked me to collaborate on some additional articles but I really didn't have time to do them justice. also indicates that you can control schedules.

If I get any time, I'll have a go at some of this.

Oh, and the cloud part of the Wiser system is compatible with Alexa and Google Home. We can change the heat via GH.

Update: Just checked the Python API PR that added schedule handling and it all looks as straight-forward as I imagined it to be.