[Solved] Serial node not working in node-red 1.0.2

Yes, I'm aware of those errors. They have nothing whatsoever to do with the serial port. I have a dozen or so flows in this application but only one performs serial communication.

I've switched back to the Raspberry Pi model 3 B+, where the system boots with a working serial port intermittently, whereas the serial flow on the RPi 4 doesn't work until I redeploy via the editor having only repositioned the node.

What else would you recommend that I try? Again, if I downgrade to NR 0.20.5, everything works as it always has.

Update on this issue: Since installing node-red 1.0.3 and the Feb 2020 version of Buster, all of the issues I had been having with the serial port are now resolved, both on the RPi 3B+ and the RPi 4B. Communication works the first time after booting, and it continues to work after several days of testing.

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