Standalone Raspberry Pi Security Camera with AI "person detection"

Well, your code has a CRLF after each single line so your code cannot be imported unless I first clean it up

I do it like the example below. Honestly, it might be even better ways, edit your previous post, mark your flow text, then select "Preformatted text"

For Python, yes, you have to consider that "feature", I use an editor (UltraEdit) where you can configure tabs to be 4 spaces instead, that helped me. But as you say, you receive & paste some snippet from somewhere into your code where ordinary tabs has been used and to get the whole thing working, you need to make a search and replace, kind of annoying, But as language and possibilities, I still consider Python very much superior to Javascript, especially the multi-threading possibilities that I have used a lot during the years when writing sw

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