Is there a way to update the files I've uploaded, or should I just make a new post with new uploaded files?
I've improved the node-red flow to show images on the dashboard and made a few minor changes to the python code to support it.
Since krambriw hasn't seen the issue with opencv-3.4.1 that I've worked around where the opencv-3.3.0 dnn function returns the previous detection instead of the results for the current frame, I'm in the process of compiling opencv-3.4.2 which seems the latest at the moment. Taking hours to complete, on the Pi 3B+ I've failed miserably at my attempt tp cross-compile
Getting openCV with the dnn module running on the Pi is the most difficult part.
Edit. I've uploaded the "final" versions of my flow, the AI python script, and the bash script that the flow uses to start the python script initially. You need to remove the .txt extensions I had to ad for the upload. To keep the USB stick from filling up I added this to root crontab:
3 1 * * * /usr/bin/find /media/pi/AI/detect/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +3 -exec rm -rf {} ; >/dev/null 2>&1
To mount the USB stick on boot without auto login enabled when running "headless" I added this to /etc/fstb:
/dev/sda1 /media/pi/AI ext4 defaults,noatime 0 3
You still need to download the MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel and MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt.txt files, I believe they originally came from here:
I initially got them from the PyImageSearch tutorial:
Its worth reading to help understand the python script. (206 Bytes) (10.6 KB)
PiCam_notification.json.txt (26.7 KB)
At this point I consider this thread completed, unless someone trying to use it has questions.
I want to thank again all the contributors on this site who have helped me get the dashboard UI showing images. It makes the headless systems easy to setup and control from a browser on a cell phone, once you have solved the "chicken or egg" WiFi SSID/Passphrase issue. My attempt in the JSON file is incomplete.