Store msg alone without needing to have excel ,SQLite table just by topic to payload it again to node red when needed

Paul .. that was my NR startup log as an example to show how to find the flow file being used
(because he asked the question regarding backing up the flow file)

i think Badr is on ubuntu

@badr_al_moragab if indeed your NR is running as a service.
show as what you get in the terminal when you run


Whoops I guess I need that second cup of coffee~
Happy forum aniversity

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@UnborN @zenofmud Hi. sorry for late reply. for the storing data that one was just for my windows node red. this second problem is on my ubuntu 18.04 server.
I tried as you say to run restart-node-red command but all still same the site can not refresh.

then I tried to run status command

sudo systemctl status node-red.service

it shows this


Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2021-08-07 00:19:56 +04; 17s ago

Actually i said

@UnborN it shows nothing as first picture above. when I tried to run node-red status it shows that the command befor was trying to run the node red but it failed as shown on the second picture shown above.

I dont know much about unix .. but if you have installed node-red through the official installation script

then the service would have been called nodered.service and not node-red.service

what is the result in the terminal when you run

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This is the result that I got


Please, never again mix multiple issues in one thread, it can waste the time of volunteers trying to help you.

@zenofmud sorry for that I thought it will not take a time. so do I need to add it as topic whether there was a topic similar to it but there is no result goes fine with me.

Seems like your Node-red installation is messed up.
Try to run the bash script ..

bash <(curl -sL

the script will do the necessary checks and re-install node-red
if that doesnt work then open a new topic for this specific problem

I tried to run the command that you shared and this is the result shown

ok .. the error now is a little bit more obvious .. you are running a very old version of node.js v8

run the bash script again and add --node14 at the end to force install the newer version of nodejs

did you mean to run it like this

bash <(curl -sL

nope .. the option --node14 must be outside the bracket and with a space

bash <(curl -sL --node14

Thank you so much it works for me. it's a nice idea to upgrade node.js.
by this way do I will lose the flows on my node red?!

the script doesn't affect your flows .. but its always good practice to make a backup before each major upgrade. I usually backup the whole .node-red folder.

yah that's right. but by this command it will stop using node-red.service and run node-red as global server. is there a way to use node-red.service.

it will install it as a nodered.service also
read the documentation link i sent you and its described in detail there

but this way is a little bit complecated because I have many commands that I was using them but for now I can not use it like

node-red-admin hash-pw

also If I want to set user name and password for my node red or multiple admin also the storing files there is nothing inside setting.js file as shown in picture bellow.

sudo vi ~/.node-red/settings.js



The command has changed in the new versions to node-red admin hash-pw

Generating the password hash

the developers of Node-red spent countless hours writing the detailed articles in the User Guide
even documenting changes from older versions.

Most of the information is already there .. You just need to do a little research :face_with_monocle: