Table overview of sensors

Here is an example of how I set different ooptions in my 'ET Display Home' a flow to help manage your ESPeasy, Sonoff/Tasmota and Homie flashed devices (now on GitHub) project. I use ng-if statements

<div id="et_home">
<h2 style="text-align: center;">ET Display Home {{msg.etdh_version}}</h2>
<p style="text-align: center;">ESPeasy current release: <a href="{{msg.esp_release}}/ESPEasy_{{msg.esp_release}}.zip" target="_blank">{{msg.esp_release}}</a> (click to download)</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Tasmota current release: <a href="{{msg.tas_release}}/sonoff.bin" target="_blank">{{msg.tas_release}}</a> (click to download)</p>

<table id="table" border="1">
        <th>Node Name</th> 
        <th>Node Status</th> 
        <th>Last boot cause</th>
        <th>Free RAM</th>
    <tbody style="text-align: center">
        <tr ng-repeat="x in msg.payload">
            <td ng-if="x.node_status ==  'database is empty'" class="warning_red" >DATABASE IS EMPTY</td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  1' class="device_online" >{{x.node_name}}</td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  0' class="device_offline">{{x.node_name}}</td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  1' class="device_online"  >On Line </td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  0' class="device_offline" >Off Line</td>
            <td ng-if="(x.firmware_type == 'espeasy' && x.firmware_build ==  msg.esp_release)" class="device_online"> {{x.firmware_build}} </td>
            <td ng-if="(x.firmware_type == 'espeasy' && x.firmware_build !=  msg.esp_release)" class="warning_color"> {{x.firmware_build}} </td>
            <td ng-if="(x.firmware_type == 'tasmota' && x.firmware_build ==  msg.tas_release)" class="device_online"> {{x.firmware_build}} </td>
            <td ng-if="(x.firmware_type == 'tasmota' && x.firmware_build !=  msg.tas_release)" class="warning_color"> {{x.firmware_build}} </td>
            <td ng-if="(x.firmware_type == 'homie'   && x.firmware_build ==  msg.hom_release)" class="device_online"> {{x.firmware_build}} </td>
            <td ng-if="(x.firmware_type == 'homie'   && x.firmware_build !=  msg.hom_release)" class="warning_color"> {{x.firmware_build}} </td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  1'  > {{x.rssi}} </td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  0'  >- - -</td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  1'  > {{x.uptime}} </td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  0'  >- - - - -</td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  1'  > {{x.last_boot_cause}} </td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  0'  >- - - - - - -</td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  1'  > {{x.free_ram}} </td>
            <td ng-if='x.node_status ==  0'  >- - - - -</td>
                <a href="http://{{x.ip}}" target="_blank"> {{x.ip}} </a>


Hopefully it will give you some ideas and help you figure out what you need to do.

One thing, to update the table, you will have to send data to it again.