The file node, change the syntax

You have not stopped the current running node-red, which is why the port is in use. The commands are


One thing that I did not ask before. Can you possibly share the configuration of the function indicated with the arrow and also add a debug node in its output and share a printscreen that shows what this debug displays in the debug panel ?

indeed I did not stop and restart properly, it's done:

on the other hand nothing works anymore.

so I created a new page, the node that I installed before disappearing, it does not matter, but once installed it does not work anymore:

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ok, I reconfigure the nodes, I found the operation.Mai there is still the problem of the syntax

Hi - what is this node set to return ?
It should be a buffer.

Did you try feeding the wire that goes to debug 1 to a dashboard text node ?

yes, at debug 1 there are no worries,
in fact I start with node-red, and for the intant I make several attempts before embarking on my future project (home automation for my home).
So I wanted to test the storage node, which will be useful later.
and in this case it avoids to interoperate the node openweathermap which is limited to 1 interogation every 10 min.

it is a filter function to take only certain data:

RIght, nothing suspicious with that function node. Well, the last resort would be you sharing your flow so people in the forum can have a look and try running it to see if the issue is replicated. Just remove the API key from openweathermap if it is a paid subscription.

Thank you for being interested in me.

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