Trying to send text to LCD over i2c contrib

Well... I have now tried two different nodes...

1) node-red-contrib-lcd20x4-i2c

  • Figured out the correct way to communicate
  • But NO action on the physical display via NR (Py script on RPi works, so address settings & wiring are correct)

--- I am going to shelve this one as unobtanium

2) node-red-contrib-i2clcd-alt

  • No way to easily import, had to learn how to do so manually :stuck_out_tongue:
  • looks simpler to interface, but... noooo



6/30/2021, 11:36:37 PM[node: i2clcd-alt]( : error

"TypeError: Cannot read property 'localeCompare' of undefined"

New and strange errors that I have yet to find a suitable Google explanation for