Hi, sure ... there is not much of tabulator which you cannot use from Node-RED. (Except latest features)
did you had a look in the docs? Tabulator
simply send them inside your ui_control.tabulator
object. But it should work out of the box. If I click into my tables (yes it do not catch the fokus) I can use the up/down arrows
To download a table you have to send a command
The doc has this example Tabulator
table.download("csv", "data.csv", {delimiter:"."}); //download a CSV file that uses a fullstop (.) delimiter
converts to a payload:
"command": "download",
"arguments": [
"delimiter": "."
"returnPromise": false
Put this in a button on your dashboard and if you press it a file dialog pops up and you can download the table.
OK better not to change the delimiter to a dot
This works with ui-table. No experiences with eTable!