Uploading data to a mySQL database

right thats what i did. I set the debug node to display the complete msg object but it is still showing this error:

"Invalid property expression: unexpected ' at position 4"

which is pretty strange because is shoeld be seeing the query in the msg.topic right?

I did untill i changed my query to this thanks to the help of @shrickus

INSERT INTO algemeen
    (machine, persoon, status, overtime)
    {{ flow.get('machine') }},
    {{ flow.get('persoon') }},
    {{ flow.get('statusGoed') }},
    {{ flow.get('overtime') }}

but i should not be getting permission denied errors because the users has all of the permisions.

I can't try a new client as of right now because the server running on a server and not on my laptop

The syntax for flow context is not correct for the template node. Try

INSERT INTO algemeen
    (machine, persoon, status, overtime)

It is possible to use a property from the flow context or global context. Just use {{flow.name}} or {{global.name}} , or for persistable store store use {{flow[store].name}} or {{global[store].name}}

right. well your solution seems to work a bit better but it is still giving me an syntax error for some reason:

Flow.persoon seems to be blank does it exist, the error seems to be the 2 commas in succession.

value is missing in the query

well flow.persoon definitly exists but i removed it anyway. got a new error though:

"Error: ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR: Unknown column 'S' in 'field list'"

Should the strings be in quotes?

I see at least two strings in your query.

Yes must have "S-110-1"

right so how do i do that?
because this is my query

INSERT INTO algemeen
    (machine, persoon, status, overtime)

and this is the output im gettinh:

INSERT INTO algemeen
    (machine, persoon, status, overtime)

so where should i put the "?

First you need to confirm the flow context exists check in info pane under context . refresh the flow context and post here.

quotes go around strings


and remove persoon from columns

oh i'm dumb

and remove persoon from columns

i forgot to remove "persoon" -_-

right it seems to work now. i'm going to need to experiment some more before i close this topic. But for now i'd like to thank all of you for the help i've gotten.

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