Using npm module

Welcome to the forums @Greg50100,

It may be worth searching for a Node that has already wrapped this in a Node RED Node, search here :

If not, it may still be possible, but its going to require some setup.

  1. Ensure your installation allows to use 3rd party modules in Function nodes.
    You do this by enabling a setting in settings.js line 455.

    functionExternalModules: true,
    Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 17.55.43
    settings.js is usually in your Node Red user directory (example /home/pi/.node-red/settings.js)

  1. Restart Node RED

  2. In a function node declare its use under setup
    Screenshot 2023-10-12 at 17.59.46

  3. Then the various code blocks in the function node will now be able to use its exports