This is a bit dated, but still of interest.
This will be of importance when I get my RPI WAP working again.
This is a bit dated, but still of interest.
This will be of importance when I get my RPI WAP working again.
I'm running six Raspberry Pi(es) of various vintages and can monitor them and control them from a simple dashboard.
As you can see from the screen-shot, RPi-Zero-W has longer 'ping responses' than the others.
The buttons enable me to shutdown any or all of the servers.
Just received (as we 'speak') a RPi-4, so I'm going to have to add that to the mix later this week.
This is my latest/greatest so far controller.
There is so much hidden in there.
Ping status, health and command error indicators.
Woooo - that's impressive (puts mine to shame).
Haha, that is .... excessive! Even for an info junky like me
In fact, I use Grafana to produce dashboards like that from data that is sent to InfluxDB from Node-RED (for IoT data) with system environmental data sent via Telegraf. You will see examples in other threads.
Honestly that is one of many pages.
There is a master control
page for rebooting, shutting down, backing up, (etc) the machines.
A control / display
screen to control what is done and how often.
A Machine health
which shows the machine's health.
An Alarms
page which shows alarms/errors from the machines.
And the list goes on.
This is BEFORE I really start doing the real intentions and home control.