

Some i cut it out there… i wrote to much because my working life was like a rollercoaster
I trained as an electrician (working on constractiuon buildings) for 2 years and then changed to a heating and ventilation fitter during my apprenticeship and did a really good final exam there. After the army, … no place more…. Have to cut… haha..
After an aptitude test, the state paid me to train as an Org-Programmer at the Grundig Academy. (A lot in Cobol, little in Assembler :slight_smile: ) Since the time had already started with the good MS-Dos computers and the run took its course, I had to be there too and my entry began with my studies at Grundig towards the end of the 80' he. Microsoft had to survive its first fight, but everything was hip.
Since I didn't like finding the right connection to Cobol, I tried my hand at network technology. But I didn't have much luck with companies and a different phase in my life began.
… no place more have to cut … :)… .
I then also had some certificates in SUSE-Linux Firewalls (ipchains later iptables), MS-TCP/IP and MS-Server Engineer Certificates. I got a very, very good job in a Microsoft company that was hired by a new market group and should rebuild their free mail and groupware system for business customers. …. no place more have to cut… haha… . no place more have to cut… :slight_smile:
I took the two best programmers.
…no place more …must cut ..hahah .. founded a company with the name ComGate and the domain, and off we went. i think bought any other... but in whois history maybe can find any
So we only use the idea and the techniques of the two groupware systems, removed the errors that we recognized, programmed everything around I created the frontends in PHP and after about 1 1/2 years, day and night toil, we had a groupware system with everything what didn't exist back then. It synchronized the appointments with groups etc. on the monchrome display cell phones of the time with your first calendars and contacts…. Have to cut …. :slight_smile:
New company in conversion of listed houses, which I converted into energy-saving houses and luxury apartments. That was a small excerpt from my life. The other half would fill a second book because that was a completely different thriller.
Today I am married to a super great Thai woman who is very close to Buddhism, I think Jeff Bezos is right that the earth is the best in this universe and I think we humans took a wrong turn at some point. Instead of concentrating on values ​​and peaceful coexistence, we constantly miss what we were actually made for. In order to get the old scars out of my head, I'm now pursuing my hobby again and am learning new techniques that I've missed for years. I look forward to living in peace with my wife in Thailand very soon and wish everyone the best.
from Nuremberg Frankonia-Bavaria in Germany