3 Jun 21:57:25 - [error] [tls-config:bbb] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\Danilo Mota\1c309041c8-certificate.pem

Hey guys! Please Help me.

I’m trying to connect a device using aws + nodered but there is the error below

3 Jun 21:57:25 - [error] [tls-config:bbb] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘C:\Users\Danilo Mota\1c308041b7-certificate.pem’


That error means the file the tls-config node is configured to use doesn’t exist. That’s all we can say without more information about how you’ve configured the node and what steps you’ve taken to create/provide the requires tls certificates.


being Windows you may need to escape those \ characters. so c:\\ …etc - or maybe c:/ instead

Hello @knolleary,

in node-red is like below:


I've created the certificates directly from the AWS when creating the thing.

Thank you in advance.


The files exists as you can see in the image...tls


Have you tried the suggestion from @dceejay ?

Try using forward slashes rather than back-slashes - ie C:/Users/Danilo Mota/1c308041b7-certificate.pem


I’ve tried already.


I did it already. =(

The file listing shows you have a file called: 1c308041b7-certificate.pem.crt

The error is for a file called 1c308041b7-certificate.pem

What have you entered for the ‘Certificate’ field in the node? The screenshot you’ve shared doesn’t show the full path.


You got it. It was missing the “.crt”. :unamused:

thank you!

Hi everyone,

I'm currently trying to do the same (connect node-red to aws iot core) and I have exactly the same problem. I made sur not to forget the .crt but this is still my error message:

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\bpi\Desktop\AWSIOT\Device2SIM-fe87e36c4b-certificate.pem'

I also tried with backslash and frontslash it doesn't help.

Screenshot of node-red:

Can anyone help with this? Thank you a lot!


My folder with the key's and certificate:

Tutorial I tried to follow:

And the full paths I typed are:
C:/Users/bpi/Desktop/AWSIOT/VeriSign-Class 3-Public-Primary-Certification-Authority-G5.pem