Here's a link to the thread about connecting a PZEM-004T to a Wemos D1 Mini flashed with Tasmota.
It includes one of my "rough" sketches showing the connections/diagram.
Here's a link to the thread about connecting a PZEM-004T to a Wemos D1 Mini flashed with Tasmota.
It includes one of my "rough" sketches showing the connections/diagram.
Thanks, I know how to do that, I am playing with node-red-mcu and using this as another testbed.
I found my PZEM-004t set-up and built a simple flow for ESP32. It works nicely. Here's a sample flow and configuration. The Inject node controls the frequency of sensor readings.
FWIW ā because it is a debug build, the default UART port is taken by the debugger connection, so it uses UART port 2.
This should work on ESP8266, just with different pins and port. I'll try to make time to try that too.
I have the PZEM on order, but it will take a couple of weeks to get here.
My S2 Minis should be here soon, so I will probably try one of those with it, so I can try the OTA updates too.
Just a note to my future self and anyone interested,
If you are using this on a Wemos D1 mini, the RX pin is held high by the onboard USB serial chip, (1K I believe). So the Pzems are not able to pull the pin low when wired like this.
In this case select a different gpio to use for the RX eg GPIO 5.
I figured this out after an afternoon of head scratching, shame I don't have a scope
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