Hello everybody.
I would like to expand my control from the terrarium with two 7 segment displays TM1637.
The temperature should be on one side and the humidity on the other.
Both values are already in Node Red via FHEM and Mosquitto.
Node Red offers the possibility to control GPIO directly.
Can someone possibly tell me how I can send these values to the displays or know how to do this?
Unfortunately, I have not found anything here in the forum or on the Internet.
The goal is to send the value of mqtt to the two GPIOs.
FHEM mqtt and Node Red are set up on the same PI3 b + that is to be controlled.
You are going to have to do a little work on this. My initial advice would be to find a python library to drive the TM1637 and then output the values to the library with the exec node, or have a look at some of the python nodes.